Transcription Services & Technology

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In addition replica watches for sale to our normal court reporting services, we Hublot replica watches offer a broad range of transcription services including:

All completed transcripts IWC replica watches are available in printed form, on diskette or via e-mail.

We also provide transcript text synchronized with video images through our digitized video imagine service. Additionally, we can add closed captioning to the final digital video. We then store the digital video on CD-ROM or DVD, allowing clients to view the video while seeing the transcript text at the same time.

ASCII files and imaged exhibits can be provided on replica watches CD-ROM in TIF or PDF formats. LiveNote and RealLegal both offer links to the electronic transcript.

We support the following Transcription Technologies:

  • LiveNote transcript management software allows a litigator to access, annotate and search transcripts as well as use interactive Realtime transcript feed. Seventy-one percent of the Top 200 law firms use LiveNote litigation support software for transcription.
  • E-Transcript™ E-Transcript software provides standardized, secure and encrypted electronic transcripts. We are able to import ASCII transcript files into the software, which activates index and text searching, and condensed printing. Attorneys receive a finished E-Transcript file via e-mail, diskette or CD-ROM.

Additional E-Transcript Features

  • Condensed Transcripts – Lawyers can print single transcripts, condensed transcripts with up to 16 pages of transcripts per page and word indices.
  • Hyperlinked Word Index – An interactive keyword index is electronically linked to page and line number in the transcript.
  • Automatic Citations – E-Transcript software can copy and paste text elsewhere, automatically including the deponent name, date, page and line summary and formatted text.
  • Flexible Exporting – Users can save an E-Transcript to a third-party word-processing or litigation support package.
  • RealLegal E Binder™ – Binder is transcript and document management software built on the E-Transcript foundation. Attorneys and paralegals can browse, search and annotate transcripts, documents and exhibits in a case from one interface. Binder accepts multiple transcript formats, image files, synchronized video clips and realtime feed. Attorneys collaborate with co-counsel, experts, and others using iBinder™.

Additional Binder Features

  • Annotating – Lawyers can add written notes to a transcript and then display them via an annotation icon in the transcript margin.
  • Full-Text Searching – Search functions to perform full-text searches on all transcripts, on a current transcript or on groups of transcripts are accessible from multiple locations. Also, Binder automatically stores searches for future reference.
  • Browsing Ease – The automatically generated transcript table of contents, bi-directional sort functions, and hyperlinks simplify transcript browsing.
  • Transcript-to-Video Synchronization – Users can attach audio, image and text exhibits to projects. Also, video can be synchronized to a transcript.
  • E-mail Transcripts – Transcripts and reports can be emailed from the Binder interface to be viewed via the Internet or imported directly into another copy of Binder.
  • Full-Text and Condensed Printing – Users can print transcripts, annotations, search results, reports and the hyperlinked index, either in condensed or full text.
  • Project Synchronization – Binder allows the user to synchronize transcript notes and annotations between laptop and network systems automatically.